napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory

The End And Other Beginnings: Stories From The Future
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16.1 €
From the best-selling author of Divergent and Carve the Mark comes a stunning collection of futuristic short stories. Illustrated throughout with striking black-and-white illustrations. Within this masterful collection, NO WORLD IS LIKE THE OTHER. Full of friendship and revenge, each story and setti… celá špecifikácia

From the best-selling author of Divergent and Carve the Mark comes a stunning collection of futuristic short stories. Illustrated throughout with striking black-and-white illustrations. Within this masterful collection, NO WORLD IS LIKE THE OTHER. Full of friendship and revenge, each story and setting is more strange and wonderful than the last, brimming with new technologies and beings. And yet, in these futuristic lands, the people must still confront deeply human emotions and dilemmas. Veronica Roth reaches into the unknown and immerses readers into six short stories that feel startlingly familiar and profoundly beautiful. With two new stories from the Carve the Mark universe, this collection has something for everyone.
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