napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory

The End: My Struggle Book 6
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13.25 €
The extraordinary final volume of `the most significant literary enterprise of our times' (Guardian)In this final novel in the My Struggle cycle, Karl Ove Knausgaard examines life, death, love and literature with unsparing rigour and begins to count the cost of his project. The End reflects on the… celá špecifikácia

The extraordinary final volume of `the most significant literary enterprise of our times' (Guardian)In this final novel in the My Struggle cycle, Karl Ove Knausgaard examines life, death, love and literature with unsparing rigour and begins to count the cost of his project. The End reflects on the fallout from the earlier books, with Knausgaard facing the pressures of literary acclaim and its often shattering repercussions. It is at once a meditation on writing and its relationship with reality, and an account of a writer's relationship with himself - from his ambitions to his doubts and frailties.
Vývoj ceny The End: My Struggle Book 6
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