napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory

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Lego Awesome Ideas - kolektiv autorů
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20.33 €
Kniha odkrývá tajemství stavebnice LEGO a ukazuje, jak si vytvořit vlastní svět podle své představivosti. Kniha je v angličtině. LEGO® Awesome Ideas unlocks the secrets of LEGO building and shows you how to create a world from your imagination. LEGO® Awesome Ideas is an all-new ideas book from DK… celá špecifikácia

Kniha odkrývá tajemství stavebnice LEGO a ukazuje, jak si vytvořit vlastní svět podle své představivosti. Kniha je v angličtině. LEGO® Awesome Ideas unlocks the secrets of LEGO building and shows you how to create a world from your imagination. LEGO® Awesome Ideas is an all-new ideas book from DK that builds up entire LEGO worlds while expanding your LEGO knowledge. From beginners to accomplished builders, this book contains creative model ideas and visual tips and techniques that will inspire anyone to get building! Build up a themed world with each chapter, model by model, brick by brick, from The Wild West and Fantasy Land to Space and The Real World, tying in with the worlds of The LEGO® Movie. Learn how to build a car, then an ambulance using the same techniques, then a set of traffic lights and other street furniture until you ve created the Metropolis world. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configuration and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 2015 The LEGO Group. Produced by Dorling Kindersley under licence from the LEGO Group.
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LEGO Star Wars Visual Dictionary
Explore the LEGO (R) Star Wars (TM) galaxy with this visual…
20.72 €
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Lego Ideas Book: You Can Build Anything! - kolektiv autorů
Kniha plná tipů od expertů pro stavebnici LEGO. Kniha je v…
20.33 €
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LEGOZ Ideas Book 2
LEGO[registered] Play Book proves it. You can build anything…
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