napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory
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The Day of the Accident
9.98 €
Sixty seconds after she wakes from a coma, Maggie's world is torn apart. The police tell her that her daughter Elspeth is dead. That she drowned when the car Maggie had been driving plunged into the river. Maggie remembers nothing. When Maggie begs to see her husband Sean, the police tell her that… celá špecifikácia
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Sixty seconds after she wakes from a coma, Maggie's world is torn apart. The police tell her that her daughter Elspeth is dead. That she drowned when the car Maggie had been driving plunged into the river. Maggie remembers nothing. When Maggie begs to see her husband Sean, the police tell her that he has disappeared. He was last seen on the day of her daughter's funeral. What really happened that day at the river? Where is Maggie's husband? And why can't she shake the suspicion that somewhere, somehow... her daughter is still alive? An emotional page-turner with amazing characters from the Top Ten bestselling author of My Sister's Bones, this thriller is perfect for fans of Clare Mackintosh's I Let You Go and Lisa Jewell's Watching You.
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