napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory
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A Slip of the Keyboard: Collected Non-fiction - Terry Pratchett
11.71 €
Zbierka non-fiction poviedok a fejtónov slávneho Terryho Pratchetta, autora najmä svetoznáme Zemeplochy. Kniha v anglickom jazyku. Terry Pratchett in his own wordsWith a Foreword by Neil GaimanTerry Pratchett earned a place in the hearts of readers the world over with his bestselling Discworld serie… celá špecifikácia
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Zbierka non-fiction poviedok a fejtónov slávneho Terryho Pratchetta, autora najmä svetoznáme Zemeplochy. Kniha v anglickom jazyku. Terry Pratchett in his own wordsWith a Foreword by Neil GaimanTerry Pratchett earned a place in the hearts of readers the world over with his bestselling Discworld series - but in recent years he became equally well-known as an Outspoken campaigner for causes including Alzheimer s research and animal rights. A Slip of the Keyboard brings together the best of Pratchett s non fiction writing on his life, on his work, and on the weirdness of the world: from Granny Pratchett to Gandalf s love life; from banana daiquiris to books that inspired him; from getting started as a writer to the injustices that he Fought to end. With his trademark humour, humanity a nezabudnuteľné way with words, this collection offers an insight behind the scenes of Discworld into a múch loved and múch missed figure - man and boy, bibliophile and computer geek, champion of hats, orang-utans and the right to a good death.
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