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Recipes from the World of Tolkien: Inspired by the Legends - Robert Tuesley Anderson
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21.9 €
Anglická kniha Recipes from the World of Tolkien: Inspired by the Legends obsahuje recepty inšpirované svetom J. R. R. Tolkiena! Kniha je v angličtine. Ever wondered what Lembas Bread, Cram, or Beorn s Honey Cakes might taste like? From Crickhollow Apple Loaf, Pippin s Minas Tirith Lunch, and Brandy… celá špecifikácia

Anglická kniha Recipes from the World of Tolkien: Inspired by the Legends obsahuje recepty inšpirované svetom J. R. R. Tolkiena! Kniha je v angličtine. Ever wondered what Lembas Bread, Cram, or Beorn s Honey Cakes might taste like? From Crickhollow Apple Loaf, Pippin s Minas Tirith Lunch, and Brandywine Fish Pie to Dwarven Spiced Pickled Beetroot, Westfarthing Fairings, and Beorn s Twice-Baked Cakes, RECIPES FROM THE WORLD OF Tolkiena includes over 75 mouth-watering recipes that will take you on a journey through Middle-earth, delivering a treat for your taste buds and your imagination. Immerse yourself in Tolkien s epic fantasy world with recipes inspired by its places and characters. Whether it s breakfast or second breakfast, elevenses or afternoon tea, lunch or dinner - cook up a feast fit for orcs and elves alike. This work is unofficial and is not authorized by the Tolkien Estate or HarperCollins Publishers.
Vývoj ceny Recipes from the World of Tolkien: Inspired by the Legends - Robert Tuesley Anderson
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