napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory
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Flight Of Cornelia Blackwood
14.2 €
What has happened to Cornelia Blackwood? She has a loving marriage. But she has no friends. Everyone knows her name. But no one will speak to her now. Cornelia Blackwood has unravelled once before. Can she stop it from happening again? From a supremely talented storyteller, The Flight of Cornelia… celá špecifikácia
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What has happened to Cornelia Blackwood? She has a loving marriage. But she has no friends. Everyone knows her name. But no one will speak to her now. Cornelia Blackwood has unravelled once before. Can she stop it from happening again? From a supremely talented storyteller, The Flight of Cornelia Blackwood is a powerful novel of motherhood, loss and loneliness and how we can make damaging choices when pushed to our emotional edge. A paperback bestseller with her debut novel, The Things We Never Said, and nominated for an RNA Award in 2014, Susan Elliot Wright has written a truly important novel that explores the dark depths of psychosis with honesty and sensitivity.
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