napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory

Times Convert
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9.98 €
Sunday Times Number One bestselling author Deborah Harkness returns to the spellbinding world she created in A Discovery of Witches with an unconventional love story. From human to vampire... Marcus Whitmore was made a vampire in the eighteenth century. Over two hundred years later, he finds himself… celá špecifikácia

Sunday Times Number One bestselling author Deborah Harkness returns to the spellbinding world she created in A Discovery of Witches with an unconventional love story. From human to vampire... Marcus Whitmore was made a vampire in the eighteenth century. Over two hundred years later, he finds himself in love with Phoebe Taylor, a human who decides to become a vampire herself. And with tradition enforcing separation from Marcus, Phoebe's transformation will prove as challenging now as it was for Marcus when he first encountered Matthew de Clermont, his sire. Time's Convert moves with epic sweep from the battlefields of the American Revolutionary War, through the treachery of the French Revolution to a bloody finale in New Orleans. 'Gripping and impossible to put down, this is Twilight for grown-ups - a wonderful read!' Katie Fforde on A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES 'Thrilling . . . A captivating and romantic ripping yarn' E L James on SHADOW OF NIGHT 'Rich in arcane detail, fans will relish this exotic cauldron of romantic fantasy' Sunday Mirror on THE BOOK OF LIFE In Deborah Harkness's world of witches, daemons and vampires, watch as history comes to life.
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