napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory

The Art of the Hearthstone: Year of the Mammoth - kolektiv autorů
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31.3 €
Třetí svazek vizuálních kronik k populární online karetní hře Heartsone. Kniha v angickém jazyce. The third volume of The Art of Hearthstone chronicles the artistic achievements that infused the Year of the Mammoth with charm, character, and beauty. Through vivid illustrations and behind-the-scenes… celá špecifikácia

Třetí svazek vizuálních kronik k populární online karetní hře Heartsone. Kniha v angickém jazyce. The third volume of The Art of Hearthstone chronicles the artistic achievements that infused the Year of the Mammoth with charm, character, and beauty. Through vivid illustrations and behind-the-scenes interviews with artists and game designers, The Art of Hearthstone draws back the curtain to a massive creative undertaking, showing how a huge team came together to deliver one of Hearthstone s most impressive years ever.
Vývoj ceny The Art of the Hearthstone: Year of the Mammoth - kolektiv autorů
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