napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory

Tim Burton s Nightmare Before Christmas: The Official Knitting Guide - Tanis Gray
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46.73 €
Staňte se šíleným vědcem a nechte si uplést bizarní postavičky a strašidelné kostýmy inspirované filmem Nightmare Before Christmas od Tima Burtona. Become your own mad scientist and knit to life the quirky characters and creepy costumes inspired by Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas.… celá špecifikácia

Staňte se šíleným vědcem a nechte si uplést bizarní postavičky a strašidelné kostýmy inspirované filmem Nightmare Before Christmas od Tima Burtona. Become your own mad scientist and knit to life the quirky characters and creepy costumes inspired by Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas. Inspired by the characters of Jack Skellington, Sally, Dr. Finkelstein, Zero, Oogie Boogie, the Mayor, Sandy Claws, and more, these patterns feature a mix of dark and vibrant knits and glow-in-the-dark yarn in celebration of the melding of Halloween and Christmas in this classic film. Oogie Boogie and Zero stuffies come to life with the help of your knitting needles, and clothing, home décor, holiday decorations, and more will transport you to the moonlit hills, dark cemeteries, and eerie cobblestone streets of Tim Burton’s stop-motion world. Featuring more than 25 wickedly creative knits pictured in stunning full-colour photography, this book includes patterns suited for beginner and advanced knitters alike. Patterns for Sally’s slouchy socks and Sandy Claw’s Christmas stocking are ideal for new knitters, while more advanced projects like Sally’s patchwork dress will satisfy longtime crafters. Plus, this book includes original sketches, film stills, and other behind-the-scenes goodies that are sure to satisfy the most die-hard of Tim Burton fans.
Vývoj ceny Tim Burton s Nightmare Before Christmas: The Official Knitting Guide - Tanis Gray
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