napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory
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Cities of the Classical World
15.15 €
From Alexandria to York, this unique illustrated guide shows us the great centres of classical civilization afresh. The book's key feature is 120 specially-drawn maps tracing each city's thoroughfares and defences, monuments and places of worship. Every map is to the same scale, allowing readers… celá špecifikácia
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From Alexandria to York, this unique illustrated guide shows us the great centres of classical civilization afresh. The book's key feature is 120 specially-drawn maps tracing each city's thoroughfares and defences, monuments and places of worship. Every map is to the same scale, allowing readers for the first time to appreciate visually the relative sizes of Babylon and Paris, London and Constantinople. There are also clear, incisive commentaries on each city's development, strategic importance, rulers and ordinary inhabitants. This compelling and elegant atlas opens a new window on to the ancient world, and will transform the way we see it.
Vývoj ceny Cities of the Classical World
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