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The Adventure of Tom Sawyer + CD (A2) - Mark Twain
Galéria (4)
The Adventure of Tom Sawyer + CD (A2) - Mark Twain
9.03 - 9.04 €
“Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?” Meet Tom Sawyer, a boy with a good heart who’s always in trouble with everyone: at home, in school and in church. With his best friends, Joe, Ben and Huckleberry, Tom lives an exciting outdoor life. But he begins to grow up when pretty Becky… celá špecifikácia
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9.03 €
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“Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?” Meet Tom Sawyer, a boy with a good heart who’s always in trouble with everyone: at home, in school and in church. With his best friends, Joe, Ben and Huckleberry, Tom lives an exciting outdoor life. But he begins to grow up when pretty Becky Thatcher comes to town, and when something terrible happens in this quiet town near the Mississippi.„Má chlapec dostať šancu očistiť plot každý deň?“
Zoznámte sa s dobrosrdečným Tomom Sawyerom, ktorý si vytvára samé problémy: doma, v škole, aj v kostole. S najlepšími priateľmi Joeom, Benom a Huckleberrym zažíva vzrušujúci život. Avšak, ako tak začína dospievať, do mesta prichádza krásna Becky Thatcherová a v pokojnom mestečku pri Mississippi sa stane niečo sa hrozné.
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