napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory
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Dracula + CD (A2) - Bram Stoker
Galéria (3)
Dracula + CD (A2) - Bram Stoker
10.93 €
Although Stoker did not invent the vampire, he defined its modern form. When Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania to meet Count Dracula, he soon realises that he has made a big mistake. What is happening in the lonely castle? Where does Count Dracula go during the day? Why are there no mirrors?… celá špecifikácia
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10.93 €
Do obchodu
Although Stoker did not invent the vampire, he defined its modern form. When Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania to meet Count Dracula, he soon realises that he has made a big mistake. What is happening in the lonely castle? Where does Count Dracula go during the day? Why are there no mirrors? Bram Stoker’s classic story takes us, and Count Dracula, from the Transylvanian castle to a small port on the east coast of England. Then we move to London, in a desperate fight to save people from the new, the terrible, Un-dead.Hoci Stoker nevymyslel upíra, definoval jeho modernú podobu.
Počas cesty za grófom Draculom do Transylvánie si Jonathan Harker začína uvedomovať, že to bola veľká chyba. Čo sa deje v opustenom zámku? Kam chodí gróf Dracula počas dňa? Prečo v zámku nie sú zrkadlá? Klasický príbeh Brama Stokera berie čitateľa a grófa Draculu z transylvánskeho zámku do malého prístavu na východnom pobreží Anglicka. Potom sa spolu presunú do Londýna, kde zúfalo bojujú o záchranu ľudstva pred novým a strašným nemŕtvym upírom.
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