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A Midsummer Night s Dream+CD (A2) - William Shakespeare
Galéria (3)
A Midsummer Night s Dream+CD (A2) - William Shakespeare
8.05 - 10.8 €
‘Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.’ Theseus of Athens is looking forward to his wedding to Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. But two other young couples are not so happy: Hermia wants to marry Lysander, but her father doesn’t agree. Helena loves Demetrius, but he wants to marry Hermia.… celá špecifikácia
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8.05 €
Do obchodu
‘Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.’ Theseus of Athens is looking forward to his wedding to Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. But two other young couples are not so happy: Hermia wants to marry Lysander, but her father doesn’t agree. Helena loves Demetrius, but he wants to marry Hermia. The King and Queen of the Fairies don’t love each other any more, so they start to play tricks on each other. They involve their fairies, the lovers and a group of Athenian workmen who want to be actors. It’s a very unusual Midsummer Night, perhaps it’s a dream.Láska sa nepozerá očami, ale mysľou.
Theseus z Atén sa teší na svadbu s amazonskou kráľovnou Hippolytou. Ďalšie dva páry však nie sú také šťastné: Hermia sa chce vydať za Lysandera, jej otec však nesúhlasí. Helena miluje Demetriusa, avšak ten si chce vziať Hermiu. Kráľ s kráľovnou víl sa už viac nemilujú, a tak si začínajú robiť napriek. Do svojho sporu zapájajú tiež víly, milencov a skupinu aténskych robotníkov, ktorí sa chcú stať hercami. Ide o veľmi nezvyčajnú svätojánsku noc, možno je to sen.
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